The NHL® goalie mask soon became part of the goaltender's equipment despite initial resistance from some team's management. The style, shape and materials used have evolved over the years from the Plante's first model to the present day cage style masks which you see depicted on the coin.
Beautifully engraved and painted, these Silver Goalie Mask Coins from the Royal Canadian Mint are another Mint first. Each team's goalie mask is painted with the team's logo and colours.
Players often change for each team from year to year, but these stunning coins will remain relevant year after year. AS OF JUNE 28TH, 2024 ONLY 5 GRADED AT 69, 1 GRADED 70 HAVE BEEN FOUND. The idea was to encase the raw coins in pyrite with a small signature plaque. The hot pyrite melted the coloured logo on the coin, and the coins went back to the melting pot. Anyway, I'd be surprised if there were more than 50 of each of the Montreal and Toronto coins out there. Very few of these coins still exist, as many were destroyed during a attempt to create a memorabilia item for the Home Shopping Network. They attempted to encase the coins is hot plastic as a commemorative showpiece. The hot plastic melted the painted side of the coin, effectively destroying it.It's believed about 700 coins were destroyed during this process. THESE ARE FROM 2 DIFFERENT PEOPLE, JUST BEWARE THESE ARE ONLY THEIR OPINIONS. SOURCE: GOOGLE: 2009 GOALIE MASKS COIN HOME SHOPPING NETWORK MELT. Resource: CHARLTON CANADIAN COINS BOOK, VOL 2, 10TH EDITION 2020, PAGE 260. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.